At ADKF, we take pride in aligning with partners in the community that work day in and day out to better our surroundings. It is important for us to invest time and resources to help create awareness of these organization and recommend them to our friends and family. ADKF has been involved with Project MEND for many years by supporting annual events and having one of our Partners, Paul Wobser, serve on their board as Treasurer. Project MEND recently celebrated a ribbon cutting on their new, state of the art facility in central San Antonio. This new headquarters will allow the organization to continue to grow and expand their reach of clients throughout the state of Texas. If you are unfamiliar with Project MEND and the scope of their work, we would like to spotlight the amazing job they continue to do for our community.
Incorporated in 1993 as Medical Equipment Network for those with Disabilities (MEND), their belief is that mobility and independence are basic human rights and when they are put in jeopardy, Project MEND steps in to help. Project MEND has been supplying recycled, donated, or new medical equipment to individuals who cannot afford these items or have gaps in their insurance coverage. They are the only organization of its kind in the state of Texas. Due to steady demand, the organization has grown tremendously since inception and works around the clock to meet the needs of all Texans. To become a client of Project MEND, one needs a letter from their doctor or a prescription for specific equipment. They can then set up an appointment to meet with a case worker. The types of equipment that Project MEND can furnish includes, but is not limited, to wheelchairs (both motorized and not), walkers, rollators, bath chairs, and hospital beds. Unfortunately, some equipment cannot be recycled (like a cranial helmet) but Project MEND can help clients obtain funding/grants that will supply the client with up to $1,000.00 to purchase a specific item. Project MEND offers delivery (within SA and the surrounding areas) or curbside pickup for equipment from their facility.
Last year, Project MEND was able to service over 1,700 clients with over 4,000 pieces of equipment distributed. These efforts have saved their clients an average of $1,200 each. Each year the demand continues to rise, and the goals of this organization continue to increase. Project MEND relies heavily on government grants, annual fundraising events, and donations from the public. As most nonprofit organization have experienced, the last few years (COVID) have been tough. One major goal in 2022, is to raise funds for our veteran population which has experienced major cuts in funding and grants from our state and federal governments.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping Project MEND, you can visit their website and click on the donate tab. Donations can be in the form of a monetary donation, volunteer hours, or gently used equipment to recycle.